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Digital Transformation = Human Expertise + Technology + Action

Win of the Week

Our client had relied on regularly scheduled PM physical inspections to identify issues affecting their equipment but it wasn’t until Augury’s algorithm did they start truly elevating their M&R program. Augury’s algorithm alerted the team of mechanical looseness and bearing wear; the onsite but after running through their checklist, they did not seem to find any issues with the fan. But with our Vibration Analyst in their corner, looking over the data, he was able to provide a deep analysis of the issue, and pinpoint the exact issue that was plaguing the machine.

Industry – Engineered Wood Products //
Machine – Trim Fan //
Fault Type – Structural Mechanical Looseness, Bearing Wear //

 Structural Mechanical Looseness, Bearing Wear Augury Platform alert

Augury’s VA collaborated closely with the onsite team and walked them through the findings; the onsite team did confirm the issue and were able to tighten the loose bearing and structural issues. Even the most structured PM’s can miss problems brewing deep within motors.

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