Let’s show our commitment to providing safe and clean water for all. And let’s continue to build the water infrastructure that can help achieve this goal.
Water is at the core of life. Yet we often take it for granted.
Augury will mark World Water Day 2021 on March 22 with a donation of $5,000 to charity: water. Augury will also match employee donations up to another $5,000. If we reach our fundraising goal of $10,000, Augury will become an official sponsor of a charity: water project.
[UPDATE as of April 30, 2021: We are very pleased to announce that Augury’s internal campaign raised a total of $13,342 for charity: water. Over the next 18 to 21 months, our donation will be put to work in the field. Once the funds are allocated to a specific location, we’ll be able to follow the progress and be updated to the exact number of people who gain access to clean water thanks to our donation. Stay tuned!]
Clean water as universal right
Most of us have no idea what it’s like to be thirsty. We have plenty of water to drink – and even clean water in our toilets. But for many people around the world, water is a luxury. Every day around 1,400 children die from diseases caused by unsafe water and poor sanitation.
Earlier this year, Augury hosted a talk by Scott Harrison, founder of charity: water. “From Scott we learned how safe, accessible water is perhaps the most essential element to improving the health, as well as the economic and social wellbeing, of humans around the world,” says Augury CEO and co-founder Saar Yoskovitz. “charity: water‘s vision of applying innovation and technology to improving quality of life is also Augury’s mission.”
If we reach our fundraising goal of $10,000, Augury can become an official sponsor of a charity: water project. This means 100% of the money will be used on clean water projects for up to two years. charity: water will also send us photos and GPS coordinates so we can see the exact community we helped.
A $40 donation to charity: water provides one person with clean water.
Bringing drinking water to the people
charity: water is a nonprofit bringing clean and safe drinking water to people in developing countries. Currently 785 million citizens live without clean water – that’s almost 1 in 10 people worldwide. The majority of these people live in isolated rural areas.
Collecting water, even the polluted variety, consumes a lot of time – time better spent on work or study. That’s why access to clean water is a game changer: it boosts both personal health and local economies.
Each location in need of clean water requires a customized solution. This could be digging a well, harvesting rainwater and/or installing a sophisticated filtration system. With every water point funded by charity: water, local partners organize sanitation and hygiene training and establish a local Water Committee. Together, these actions ensure the waters keeps flowing far into the future.
So, what are the costs? On average, a $40 donation to charity: water provides one person with clean water.
Why water infrastructure matters
Augury is committed to quality of life for all people, through our products, mission, values and actions.
When Augury helps companies with similar missions to reliably maintain municipal water supplies and sewer systems, irrigation and greenhouses, our employees see the real and immediate impact Augury has on quality of life through water.
Through a partnership with water technology company Grundfos, Augury is already actively working on the digital future of a responsibly managed water system. “Together, we are improving the availability and performance of the critical water systems essential to creating products, delivering services, and improving lives,” says Yoskovitz.
By bringing continuous diagnostics to Grundfos‘ current and coming customers as well as co-developing smart diagnostics capabilities in future products, Augury aims to make unexpected critical failures during the moving, managing and treating of water a “thing of the past” within five years.
“By bringing digital machine health to the water lifecycle, we’ll be able to elevate the availability and performance of those underlying systems to new levels. This reduces downtime, waste and the health and economic risks that can happen when this fundamental resource is not available,” says Yoskovitz.
Smart technologies are being developed that can respond to these and other challenges to ensure reliable and affordable clean water for all – even during times of crisis.
Better machines for a better global water supply
However, challenges remain: increasing demand for water as the population grows, shifting demands and pressures due to climate change, aging infrastructures, inefficient use of water within industries, the high costs of moving water, etcetera.
Happily, smart technologies are being developed that can respond to these and other challenges to ensure reliable and affordable clean water for all – even during times of crisis.
And the success of charity: water shows how much can be achieved if you set your mind to it. Since its founding in 2006, the charity has funded around 60,000 water projects in 29 countries. In the process, they’ve brought clean water to almost 12 million people, and counting…
For more information on our vision of building a smart water infrastructure, read As Climate Change Threatens the Global Water Supply Chain, Here’s How the Water Industry Can Respond.