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Clifton Green first used Augury as a customer. Today he’s Augury’s Director of Implementation, responsible for global industrial AI implementation across all verticals and revenue ranges. He describes his job as “making sure that we do what we say we can do.” And as is fitting, Clifton is very much hands-on and boots-on-the-floor with a strong background as an Engineering & Maintenance Manager. “At the end of the day, I need to see tangible results. That’s where I get my job satisfaction. That’s the root of my passion for my profession.”
Prescriptive AI machine diagnostics to predict and prevent industrial machine failure and improve machine performance.
Prescriptive AI process optimization to achieve new levels of production efficiency, yield, and sustainability (previously known as Seebo).
The first industrial-grade, edge-AI native Machine Health sensing platform infuses unmatched connectivity and safeguards into the IoT stack.