“We now have the privilege to dream bigger,” says Gal Shaul, Augury’s Co-Founder and CPTO. In this ongoing series ‘What is Production Health?’, we talk with various key players about the potential in unifying Machine Health with Process Health – and making Maintenance & Operations one in the process.
We recently chatted with Gal Shaul about his title change from CTO to CPTO. Now it’s time to dig into his vision on how he sees Augury’s drive for full Production Health play out – both in the short- and long-term.
Read: ‘Roadmap To The Future:
Machine Health + Process Health = Production Health’
More Freedom, Less Fear
It’s still early days for this new concept of ‘Production Health’. People are curious. How are you describing it to existing customers and other industry leaders?
Gal: I usually put it in terms of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs but then for production: that you can only go for being the best once your basic physiological needs are met. Basically, we’ve already established this safe foundation that combines Machine Health making sure all the assets are working, along with Process Health ensuring that waste, quality, yield and emissions are optimized. Now we can combine these two approaches to provide insights that will create more freedom in making bolder and more flexible decisions around your production – with less anxiety and more assurance that it’s going to work.
You’re saying manufacturers will now have an opportunity to become their best selves?
Absolutely. But for this to happen you will also need to correlate Machine Health and Process Health with a third aspect: the workforce. When these three aspects are in sync, Production Health is possible.
In other words, we’ll be able to make data-driven decisions that in the past required tons of courage, intuition and risk-taking. You will see the data; you will understand that you can create change management in the workforce; and you will understand that you can change the process almost instantly. You will be able to maintain these machines with the new changes and they’ll actually work better and with fewer surprises. Plus, you’ll be able to make decisions based on evolving situations – such as what we now have in the macro economy around manufacturing.
More Flexibility
So, you’ll be able to deal with supply chain snags or spiralling inflation in real-time?
And while dealing with these changes, you’ll also be able to evolve and improve your efficiency and quality. For example, if there’s a surge in the prices for your supply, you can’t move all this to the customer. You will need to improve everything you can to become more efficient – while also increasing scale. And this is something new: this scaling motion – this idea that you improve while also increasing velocity – has never been manufacturing’s strength. You would either manufacture more or manufacture less.
So now we’re in a position where we can create scaling motions for manufacturers. And we’re grateful for the opportunity. And we hope to get to market in time with these additional solutions that improve production.
It’s actually remarkable how aligned Augury and Seebo already are – that these two separate solutions can translate so quickly to become a single holistic solution.
With our leading position in the market, we now have the privilege to dream bigger. We started with machines and now we are bringing in Process and Production Health. And this will change Augury’s vision, ambition and core values in order to incorporate a broader change in the industry. And we will need to evolve as a whole if we want to take the market to the future.
Bringing Along the Workforce
Can you break it down? For example, what are the concrete steps Augury is taking towards deploying Production Health over the next year or so?
It will start with our shared customers that have Machine Health and Process Health on the same production lines. We’ll then be able to correlate those two data sets and be able to create new, high-level insights on the health of the manufacturing line. The third, and the fourth aspect we’re going to explore this year is workforce management and how we can help the workforce which is now evolving to be more empowered to make those changes faster.
Join Us. We’re Listening
As the mission evolves and becomes clearer, what is the most important thing that current Augury and Seebo customers should know?
It’s not only our platform that listens: we also listen. So, everything our customers want to create in their digital transformation and the changes they are going through, we want to make sure they know we are here to listen and help them evolve. It used to be that changes in manufacturing were generational, but now the changes are happening right now. And we’re here to listen and help them evolve. So, we’re inviting everyone to come and speak to us about their challenges and needs, so we can better serve them.
Learn more about Augury’s vision of Production Health here.
Or reach out and talk with us directly.