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Manufacturing Offers A Future For Those Looking For A High-Impact Job

Talking Heads Talking The Future of Manufacturing

Driven by purpose? Looking for more than just a nice paycheck? Manufacturing can now offer new generations a rewarding career path through accelerated digital transformation. Augury VP of Strategy Artem Kroupenev and ‘The Manufacturing Millennial’ Jake Hall agree: manufacturing is retaking its position an innovation powerhouse – “as an industry that creates other industries”.

A Meeting Of The Like-Minded

As The Manufacturing Millennial, Jake Hall is a champion of all technologies working to transform manufacturing into becoming more innovative and sustainable. In this way, the industry can attract  increasingly capable workers who want to find a job that can make a difference. As witnessed in a recent online discussion ‘The Future Of The Workforce’, Jake found an ally in Augury’s VP of Strategy Artem Kroupenev.

The two believe manufacturing is entering a renaissance after decades – if not a century – of stagnation. Many companies are now undergoing rapid workforce development and industry 4.0 digital transformation. These companies consider this as the only logical path to remain competitive while facing down an unpredictable future.

Digitizing Knowledge So It Will Be Shared, Not Lost

The industry is indeed dealing with daunting problems. While supply chains run askew due to shifts caused by COVID-19 and geopolitical upheavals, workers are retiring at an unprecedented scale, which is resulting in industrial brain drain.

While other knowledge industries have long digitized their know-how for easy transfer, manufacturing is running several decades behind. “Say you’re a lawyer or a doctor, it’s unthinkable that your skills – what you do day-to-day – are not almost immediately digitized,” notes Artem. “But when a person retires from a manufacturing job, their knowledge still largely leaves with them. They are not contributing to the combined knowledge of their company – much less the combined knowledge of humanity.”

“But now thanks to current digitization efforts,” says Jake, “manufacturing can finally contribute to the overall collective intelligence of society.”

Changing The World, One Product At A Time

According to Artem, manufacturing strayed over 30 years ago when we sought growth not through innovation by moving operations to lower-cost economies. “But now to stay ahead, manufacturing must be driven by technology and the transfer of knowledge through digitization.”

And with this digital transition comes the business transition. “One you digitize, that thread goes all the way through, from raw materials and ideas all the way through to how that product is used and the larger impact it has on society,” observes Artem.

“Millennials and Gen Z are driven by purpose and a do-good strategy. They care beyond just the paycheck. They want to make an impact through the work they do.”

Once fully digitized, manufacturing will be primed to help face down humanity’s biggest challenge: making life more circular and sustainable. In other words, manufacturing can play a defining role in making our planet’s future a brighter one.

“And in this way, we can attract younger generations into joining the workforce,” observes Jake. “Because let’s face it, Millennials and Gen Z are driven by purpose and a do-good strategy. They care beyond just the paycheck. They want to make an impact through the work they do.”

“I believe manufacturers are now leading the drive to sustainability more than any other industry.”

The Right Innovations For The Right Generations

In other words, it’s a perfect fit between the aspirations of the younger generations and the current industrial implementation of digital technologies. “Manufacturing is having a lot more impact on society then it has in over a hundred years. It doesn’t only drive the economy behind what we consume, but can meaningfully influence how we live and consume,” says Artem. “I believe manufacturers are now leading the drive to sustainability more than any other industry.”

“The future of manufacturing looks bright with the technology and innovation in place to make these changes happen,” says Jake. “And on top of that we have the Millennials and Gen Z who have the capabilities, investment, and passion to push it all through.”

So let’s get to work.

Watch the full discussion between ‘The Manufacturing Millennial’ and Augury’s VP of Strategy now.

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